
  1. 与胜通合作的客户,胜通都会免费为工厂培训2名验厂专员。可以独立负责工厂日常的体系、验厂维护,以及应付简单的客户验厂。这2名验厂专员在后期的工作中如有疑问可随时以电话或邮件咨询胜通公司的任何一位辅导老师或业务员。

  2. 胜通售后服务常年有效。在胜通公司存在的时间内,来电咨询,或邮件,提供工厂名称及合作项目后,经我司客户关系管理系统查询确实存在,胜通会针对您提出的问题作出解答,并提供相应资料。

  3. 胜通合作过的客户,如有需要,我司可以提供各种验厂所需要的文件模板。

  4. 胜通合作过的客户,如用到胜通公司提供的考勤系统,我司可以在一年内免费远程协助维护该系统。

  5. 胜通合作过的客户,如遇验厂,需要我司辅导老师现场指导的,我司可采用视工作量,单次合作按天收费的合作模式。具体可视工厂情况详谈。



  公司理念:一次合作 终生朋友

After-Sales Service

  1.We will train two audit specialists for any client who has cooperated with us free of charge. The two audit specialists will be able to should the responsibility of the daily audits maintenance, and cope with simple client audits independently. If they have any problem in their work, they can consult our guidance counselor or salesman by phone or e-mail.

  2.Perennial effective after-sales service. If you inquire by phone or e-mail, so long as you provide your name and the cooperation project, and such cooperation does exist between us through checking our client relationship management system, we will give you satisfactory answer to your question, and at the same time provide relevant information.

  3.If necessary, we can provide all kinds of document templates required for audits for any client who has cooperated with us.

  4.If the attendance system you are using is provided by us, we can help remotely maintain the system within a year.

  5.In case of audits, if you need our guidance counselor to provide instruction on the spot, we can adopt a single daily fee cooperation depending on the workload. The particulars can be dwelled on according to your specific condition.

  We uphold it as our responsibility to meet the needs of our clients.

  We regard it as our mission to cut costs to the maximums for our clients.

  Our Business Philosophy:One cooperaton, Life-long Friends.

Copyright © 2014-2025 东莞市胜通企业管理顾问有限公司 版权所有。

