



  1. 我司会派经验丰富的老师去工厂做工作,尽量为工厂节约各方面整改成本。根据经验不需要整改的地方,我司老师会教工厂一些方法去避免整改,节约成本。

  2. 我司老师会免费为贵司培训两名验厂专员(人事人员一名,车间现场EHS管理人员一名)。从验厂申请表的填写,到验厂流程,工作安排,细节操作,陪审技巧等,都会教给这两个验厂专员。

  3. 公司有专业的验厂考勤系统,针对一些需要现场提取数据的验厂,尤其是ICTI,如工厂有这方面需要,我们将以低于市场价格优惠出售给工厂。工资考勤是验厂的重点。只需要工厂提供相关信息,由工厂配合,我司考勤老师全部帮忙做好。节约工厂人力成本,同时直接降低“工资工时不一致”的风险。

  4. 审核当天老师会现场陪审,随时解决可能发生的突发事件。这名老师具有完全的控场能力,确保递交给审核员的每一份资料都是他检查过的合格资料,确保工厂的一切人、物都在他的可控范围内。

  5. 审核前一天,我司公关经理会提前打探好审核员的相关信息。审核当天跟陪审老师保持联系,如果有需要会与审核员取得沟通,确保审核一次性顺利通过。或审核前一天就一步到位跟审核员沟通好。

  6. 以后验厂如有疑问都可以电话,邮件给我司,我司可以免费提供各类表格模板。



Our Service Advantages and Business Philosophy

  DongGuan Saint CSR Solution Co., Ltd is a counseling training institution specializing in customer audits and system certification .Having served thousands of customers, our consultants have accumulated rich professional experience. Owing to the fact that we have maintained good cooperation with the Certification Association, we receive and update the customer's requirements in a timely manner. While maintaining contact with the relevant institutions, we lose no time to update audit standards, and meanwhile develop a strong relationship with them.

  Upholding the principle of good faith and the business philosophy of "one cooperation, life-long friend”, we will do our utmost to satisfy the needs of our customers.

Our Service Advantages:

  1. Our experienced consultants will be sent to your factory to provide guidance, and save rectification costs of various aspects as much as possible for you. Based on our experience, where there is no need to be rectified, our consultants will teach some of the ways to avoid rectification to save cost.

  2. Our consultants will be responsible for training two audit commissioners (one personnel officer and one workshop EHS manager) for your company for free who will be taught the filling in of the application form of the audit, the audit process, the organization of work, the details of the operation and the accompanying skills of auditing, etc.

  3. Our company can provide the professional audit and attendance systems. If there is a need for you to extract audit data on the scene, especially the ICTI, we will provide it for you below the market price. Since wage attendance is the focus of audits.so long as you provide relevant information, our attendance consultant will do it all for you with your cooperation. Thus, you can save your labor costs, while reducing the risk of the inconsistency between wages and working hours.

  4. On the auditing day, our consultant will company the auditing to deal with any emergencies on the scene. And our consultant can have everything under his/her control to ensure that every document submitted to the auditor is appropriate and that all the people and things in the factory are under his /her control.

  5. The day before the auditing, our public relations manager will inquire the related information about the auditor in advance. On the day of auditing, we will maintain contact with the consultants who will company the auditing. If necessary, we will communicate with the auditors on the auditing day or before auditing to ensure that you can pass the audit in a timely manner.

  6. If there is any doubt about audit, you can call us or e-mail us, we can provide various kinds of form templates for you for free.

Business Philosophy:

  We always uphold the business philosophy of "One cooperation, Life-long Friends". With sincerity, we believe we can become friends and partners in our win-win cooperation。

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